Visit Us

We are located at 215 N. Redwood Road #8, North Salt Lake, UT 84054 

The name of the city is North Salt Lake, NOT the north end of Salt Lake City; we're located in the actual city of North Salt LakeBe sure to include zip code 84054 in your GPS.  


Directions from the North (Bountiful):

Head southbound on I-15, take the Center Street Exit. Turn right at the "T" off-ramp. Drive west for ~0.8 miles (crossing a couple sets of train tracks). The 3rd signal light is Redwood Road (there's a new Maverik Station on your right). Turn right on Redwood Road. Head north on Redwood for approximately 0.3 miles. Turn left on Robinson Drive. Turn right into the first complex parking lot, then an immediate right and follow the parking lot as it veers left. Keep straight and go past FASTENAL at the second building. 

You should see 2 Cargo Trailers outside; a red Rob's Wildlife trailer (covered in animals) and a black and gray Overland Gear Guy trailer.  

Comings from the South (Salt Lake City):

Head northbound on I-15, take the exit 312/US Highway 89 north. Stay on highway 89 for ~1.9 miles. Turn left on Center Street. Drive west for ~1.1 miles (crossing a couple sets of train tracks). The 3rd signal light is Redwood Road (there's a new Maverik Station on your right). Turn right on Redwood Road. Head north on Redwood for approximately 0.3 miles. Turn left on Robinson Drive. Turn right into the first complex parking lot, then an immediate right and follow the parking lot as it veers left. Keep straight and go past FASTENAL at the second building.